Sunday, May 12, 2024

Blog | Journal

EU Legal Path to the Use of Russian Frozen Assets for Ukraine Aid

Uncover how the EU leverages frozen assets to bolster Ukraine's aid initiatives. Explore the legal avenues underpinning this strategic move, ensuring compliance and efficacy. Stay informed on the latest developments as the EU utilizes frozen funds to support Ukraine's recovery.

The Complexities of Love: Unraveling the Intricacies of Annulment

The world of love and marriage can sometimes feel like a labyrinth of emotions, legalities, and societal expectations. Looking for help in Las Vegas? Rosenblum Allen can help!

Supreme Court Strikes Down Student Loan Forgiveness Program

Keywords: Supreme Court Student Loan The justices ruled in two cases challenging President Joe Biden’s authority to forgive federal student loans under a 2003 law...

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The Importance of a Personal Injury Attorney

Keywords: Importance Personal Injury Attorney You have suffered a personal injury, and you know that pursuing justice is right. But where do you start? If you’re...

EU Legal Path to the Use of Russian Frozen Assets for Ukraine Aid

Uncover how the EU leverages frozen assets to bolster Ukraine's aid initiatives. Explore the legal avenues underpinning this strategic move, ensuring compliance and efficacy. Stay informed on the latest developments as the EU utilizes frozen funds to support Ukraine's recovery.

50 years after the Moon Landing: Space Law Update

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of landing on the moon, one thing is certain: the next 50 years will look very different. A new age of space exploration will need to be regulated however. In particular, it will need the rule of law and a system of arms control to thrive.

Supreme Court rules on Gerrymandering and Census citizenship question

On Thursday, a divided Supreme Court ruled on gerrymandering and census citizenship question.

Coronavirus: between remote work and online classes

Millions of Americans and Europeans are now learning to cope with changes to their daily lives brought on by coronavirus precautions. From remote work to online classes, we all need to rethink our habits and response to the crisis.

Supreme Court’s Gorsuch refused to wear mask despite Sotomayor’s COVID worries

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch reportedly refused to wear a mask when the group gathered to hear arguments earlier this momth for the first time since the Omicron surge swept accross the United Statees over the holidays.

Masks on! Guidance for the reopening of Law Firm Offices in New York

The New York State Bar Association published their recommendations for the re-opening of law firms in New York State. Law firms are in Phase II of Governor Cuomo's economic re-opening plan. Phase 1 is scheduled to start in four (4) regions of the state on May 15, 2020.

What lessons after “When They See Us”

What lessons after "When They See Us" - between injustice & bias Ava DuVernay’s four-part Netflix series just shows how broken the U.S. justice system...

The Complexities of Love: Unraveling the Intricacies of Annulment

The world of love and marriage can sometimes feel like a labyrinth of emotions, legalities, and societal expectations. Looking for help in Las Vegas? Rosenblum Allen can help!